Graphite II
Having found a new way to avoid my homework, I’m entailed to use it:
(Jennifer Garner)
I wanted to include the photograph that I got if from, but I don’t have Photoshop to resize it. A quick Google Image search should find it, if you’re interested.I choose this photograph because I though it was more of a challenge, which it was. I did however, once again, flake out on the hair. I can only avoid my work for so long.Things I learned this time around:1. When making your initial line drawings, use a hard pencil and thread lightly. Otherwise, it will be still be visible even after being erased.2. The hair seems to take just as long as or longer than the features to get right. If you’re not willing to put in that time, your hair will look like mine. (or choose bald people to draw…)On another, related note, when my dad saw this finished, he asked my brother who had done it. Finding it was me, he put it to close inspection and saw my graph.“Oh, he used a graph. Anybody can do that.”This was meant as a putdown, I’m sure, but is true none the less. If only certain people could do it, then what would be the point of all the “Learn to Draw (Insert Anything Here)” books and art classes? The hope is that eventually you no longer need the tools that helped you on the way. Like you once thought of individual letters to make words, then words to make sentences, and sentences to make paragraphs (some of us haven’t made it this far, yet), so to will you find the draftsman using rules of proportion, perspective lines, and measurements to learn his craft. (On a side note to the side note, draftsmen no longer draft much of anything by hand.)Of course, if you insist that using a grid is cheating, go tell my favorite polymath , Leo da Vinchi. He used it extensively early in his career and considered it a trade secret. (He was really into the whole secrets things, wasn’t he? Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Okay, maybe he did.)Oh, and by the way, using a guitar capo just to change keys is cheating!Yours truly,Hippo CreteJa.