Apart for Fifteen Minutes
Before I even noticed a week’s gone past without me posting something new on here. When I redesigned the site I did it intending to post new content more regularly. There just always seems to be something else to do, including frivolous little things like watching TV or going to work.The thing is, I really enjoy writing stuff to post up here. A few months ago I actually started writing down blog post ideas. I collected quite a few of them within a week, maybe a dozen or so. I’ve had another dozen or so in mind since then. So the shortage of ideas isn’t there.I’ve also got to learn to be less ambitious. Many of the ideas I’ve had for blog posts are things I would probably have to spend at least two or three hours writing. That’s not going to happen on a regular basis. I just don’t have the time. There are other things I want to do that take priority.So, I’m going to try to set apart fifteen minutes every day to write something for the blog. I can piece several days together to write something substantial. That way I can have something new on here at least once or twice a week.I’m also going to force myself to sit down for a bit and finish off lots of short stories I’ve been putting off because they got difficult or weren’t as exciting as I thought they ought to be. Even a sentence a day is something. Maybe we’ll see them on here someday.